Mind Zaps
by Alan Pizzarelli 

Mind Zaps is an innovative collection of modern senryu poetry and prose. Pizzarelli's book includes a one-act play, a satirical parody of a poetry magazine, and laugh out loud humorous prose. From madcap buffoonery to poetry with profound insights of society and the Breaking News of today. The book concludes with a spoof and deep bow to the graphic-novel-style art of the early Ukiyo-e artists, avant-garde kabuki theatre, and fictional comic poets of Japan.

Paperback: 142 pages
Dimensions: 5 x 7-3/4 inches
Published 2019

From the graphic novella "Senryu Samurai" from MIND ZAPS, Japanese translation by Yuko Otomo.

Mind Zaps
By Alan Pizzarelli
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from poetry journal, Modern Haiku (volume 51.1 Winter - Spring 2020)
Reviewed by Carol Raisfeld

“Let me preface this review with an apology. If I sound stunningly inarticulate at times, I can't help it. My mind is completely ”zapped.” Mind Zaps kept me laughing out loud … not just laughing, but snorting and chortling! There should be consequences for causing incontinence! This is a masterpiece, incredibly dense and multilayered. Alan Pizzarelli is such a keen-eyed satirist who knows both heartache and humor. The collection is in a league of its own with its poignant insight into the awkwardness of the human experience and the hilarity of how we live in this world. …” — READ FULL REVIEW (pdf)

Danny shot holding mind zaps

from Amazon

“Just finished Mind Zaps. Love it!! So fresh, original, entertaining and at times profound. Alan Pizzarelli is definitely my favorite haiku, or senryu, or whatever it’s called, writer. I enjoyed each section of this book, particularly the graphic novel-ish Senryu Samurai as well as Trailer Trash. I loved his previous collection Frozen Socks; Mind Zaps just takes it to a new level (of what I don't rightly know). ”

— Danny Shot

from book’s back cover by poet,
Michael McClintock

“There is a tenderness and empathy that runs through your best work and it appears to be here, too, with the comic tension and edge your readers have come to love. You have taken the senryu to heights of joy and wise madness as no other writer in your generation. And that includes figures like Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg. Nor with such tenderness and genuine empathy has anyone better explored the human condition through senryu poetry’s comic and uncompromising gaze. The satire tasted here is as important and essential to our culture as the slice of onion on a hamburger, or nuts on streusel.”

—  Michael McClintock

from Good Reads
A master of satire with wit and audacity verily unparalleled”

“This collection is downright extraordinary, riotously hilarious, clever, thought provoking, eclectic in its diverse methods and unflinching in its willingness to go places, say necessary things and pull not a solitary punch. The subjects of ridicule are worthy and perspectives laudable, righteous social critique has never been so entertaining or well crafted. This shall be especially admired by those familiar with the idiosyncrasies of the short form poetry landscape, its major players, tropes and conventions of publishing in literary journals and small presses. The poet's ability to inhabit characters and ingeniously spoof and josh around are a constant pleasure and impressive spectacle to witness. Pizzarelli especially shines in his use of haibun (senbun?) the characteristic linking and shifting, providing of punchlines and unexpected twists that are executed within with immaculate verve and deft comedic timing. The section of pieces engaging with current events, reflecting and lampooning the headlines, particularly shines also and contains highly memorable and provocative work. Alan Pizzarelli is truly a unique and refreshing voice in English Language Haibun uniquely qualified to both practice and knowledgeably comment on this tradition's foibles. A must read for any serious haikuist and/or aspirer to the deceptively sophisticated, subtly difficult, frequently ribald senryu form. Expect to laugh loudly and often.!”

—  Jerome Berglund

from Facebook
“… this is like a 2019 Mad Magazine...”

“Now this is a first!! While I was away with my poetry friends my book order arrived! I know a book is good when my husband who doesn't write poetry has stolen my new purchase and can be heard chorkling away in the far reaches of the house. Even as I post...I can hear him laughing! Sure enough...he's just come out and said to me what I often say to him... YOU GOTTA READ THIS!! Alan Pizzarelli you have a best seller! And...having just read the one act play...I hope one day to hear you and Donna read it at a poetry gathering. Wow....I can't wait till Tom gives me back my book!”

AFTER TOM GAVE HER BACK HER BOOK … “It needs to be available mainstream too. I can easily seeing it being enjoyed by everyone...it sells as soon as you open the book, with its amazing illustrations and captivating and hilarious prose and poems no matter what page you flip too! Go for it Alan. Yet, under the humour is the piercing truth of the human condition. Only an expert can do that! Love it!!! Tom said, this is like a 2019 Mad Magazine...remember that from years ago?? Michael McClintock's back cover blurb is spot on!

—  Carole MacRury


from FACEBOOK POST (MacRury)

From Amazon Customer reviews

From Amazon Customer reviews



Alan Pizzarelli’s book Mind Zaps creates a stir in the academic community.